Advanced Leadership Program

Advanced Leadership Program

The Advanced Leadership Program (ALP) is a high- intensive immersion program exclusively designed for enterprise and executive leaders in Nepal and South Asia to ensure they are personally and professionally prepared to successfully lead their organizations.

This two-day executive program will build on the foundations of leadership program previously run by Rice University in Nepal.

The program will focus on the challenges of establishing and maintaining an ethical culture within one’s organization. It will help participants understand the different levels of organizational culture generally and ethical culture specifically, as well as how to better manage the challenges to a strong ethical culture.

Additionally, the program will address the often-hidden impact of culture on leadership effectiveness and success. It will adopt an interactive learning approach, with cases, group discussion, and targeted readings to facilitate learning from the program, and from each other. Ultimately, the program will focus on personal leadership, helping participants learn how to avoid pitfalls related to ethics and hidden cultural patterns.

Award Winning Rice Faculty

Professor Marcus Dickson, Ph.D., is Adjunct Professor of management and organizational psychology for the Jones Graduate School of Business at Rice University, and Director of doctoral and master’s degree programs in Industrial- Organizational Psychology at Wayne State University in Detroit, Michigan. He has held appointments at Trinity College, Dublin (Ireland); Aston University (UK); The Ohio State University (US); and Baruch College – CUNY (US) in their overseas executive programs in Taiwan and Singapore.

He has consulted with numerous organizations, including Ford Motor Co., Blue Cross Blue Shield, the US Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), and numerous governmental and non-profit  agencies. His teaching interests focus on leadership and culture.